Itinerary and information about the Mount Roraima Expedition

Mount Roraima Expedition in 9 Days

What is the Mount Roraima Expedition like in 9 days?

In the Mount Roraima expedition in 9 days, we provide transfers, porters, all meals, tents, accommodations (and more!) included in the package, making the trip very comfortable for all participants. This 9-day package is ideal for those with a shorter time to travel and who want to explore only the main attractions at the top of Mount Roraima.

Mount Roraima Expedition in 11 days

What is the Mount Roraima Expedition like in 11 days?

For the Mount Roraima expedition in 11 days , we provide transfers, porters, all meals, tents, accommodations (and more!) included in the package, making the trip very comfortable for all participants. This 11-day package is ideal for those who want to explore the more distant attractions of Monte Roraima. The more you walk on the summit of Monte Roraima, the greater the desire to spend more time there.

This itinerary is carried out with certified safety equipment:

Logo Deuter 1 Gif de Segurança Innova

Main characteristics of the Mount Roraima Trekking

Type of activity
Heat stroke
Food Recommendations
Hygiene/Medical Kit
Pre-booking Information
Postponement and Cancellation Policy

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