Photos of the Amazon Survival Experience Package

Video of the Amazon Survival Experience Package

Amazon Survival Experience Package in 08 days - 1 person

Starting from: R$ 9.800,00 BRL (10% discount)

R$ 8.820,00 for payments via PIX, deposit, or bank transfer.

R$ 9.800,00  via Credit Card or PayPal (up to 6x interest-free.)

Amazon Survival Experience Package in 08 days - 2 people

Price per person:

Starting from: 7.500,00BRL (10% discount)

6.750,00BRL for payments via PIX, deposit, or bank transfer.

7.500,00 BRL  via Credit Card or PayPal (up to 6x interest-free)

Itinerary of the Amazon Survival Experience

8-day Itinerary of the Amazon Survival Experience Package

  • Day 1

    Welcome to Manaus!

  • Day 2

    Welcome to the Amazon Rainforest!


    Day 2

  • Day 3


    Exploring the Amazon Rainforest!

  • Day 4

    Contemplation, Fauna, Flora, and Exuberant Landscapes


    Day 4

  • Day 5


    Jungle Survival, Forest Trails

  • Day 6

    Paddling Through the Igarapés Towards the Wild Nature


    Day 6

  • Day 7


    Relax in the Amazon and Return to Manaus

  • Day 8

    See You Next Time!

    Day 8

Arrival in Manaus!

On the first day of the Amazon Survival Experience Package, we will pick you up at the airport/bus station (MAO) and take you to your accommodation.

You will have the day free to explore the city as you wish and can visit the main attractions, including the Amazon Opera House, the Rio Negro Palace, and the Port. Learn about the history and geography of the region.

On the second day of the Amazon Survival Experience Package, you’ll depart from the hotel towards the location of our expedition, the Mamori River. We’ll head to the Ceasa port, where we’ll board a speedboat and set off towards the Meeting of the Waters, where the Negro and Solimões rivers flow side by side for miles, forming the mighty Amazon River.

After arriving at the Careiro da Várzea village, we’ll make a brief stop at the local market, where you’ll have the opportunity to discover the fruits, Amazonian fish, and the wide variety of regional products.

The journey continues by land. Along the way, our adventurers will surely be captivated by the stunning landscapes, rivers, canals, aquatic plants like the Victoria Amazonica, birds, and small communities spotted along the route.

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Upon arriving at the lodge, we will check in and familiarize ourselves with the facilities.

Lunch will be served with a delicious buffet filled with the flavors of Amazonian cuisine.

After lunch, we’ll take a tour to explore the area around the lodge, receiving instructions from the guide about the activities and day-by-day schedule for the jungle survival experience.

Dinner will be served, and afterward, adventurers will be free to rest and enjoy the lodge’s amenities, preparing for the start of the Amazon jungle adventure the next day.

We will begin the third day of the Amazon Survival Experience Package with breakfast and then depart from the lodge in motorized canoes towards Tracajá Lake, where we will set up our first camp, known as TAPIRI, built with wood, vines, and palm leaves.

Amazon Survival Experience Package

The camp will be set up on the riverbank, providing easy access to all the activities that will take place over the days, as we know that rivers are the primary means of transportation in these regions. Lunch will be prepared caboclo-style by the river, with freshly grilled fish over an open fire.

Amazon Survival Experience Package

In the afternoon, we will explore the waterways aboard our canoes, scouting the areas in search of food, such as fish, fruits, and water. We’ll take a night tour to observe the sounds of the jungle and the nocturnal animals.

Amazon Survival Experience Package

We will spend our first night at the camp, hanging in our hammocks covered by mosquito nets, immersed in the thousands of distinct sounds of the Amazon jungle.

Our fourth day of the Amazon Survival Experience Package begins early so that we can witness the spectacular Amazon sunrise. As the first rays of light bathe the forest, the day begins with the songs of birds and other diurnal animals. This is a unique opportunity to experience and photograph the forest as it awakens.

Amazon Survival Experience Package

We return to the camp for a delicious breakfast, where we recharge our energy for the day’s adventures.

After breakfast, we set off on an educational jungle hike. Our expert guide shares survival techniques, teaching how to use natural resources for shelter, food, and navigation. Learn to interpret nature’s signs and move safely through the complex terrain of the forest.

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During the hike, the guide will also provide detailed explanations about the region’s rich biodiversity. You’ll have the chance to get up close with various species of Amazonian plants and animals.

After a morning full of learning and discoveries, we return to the camp for a lunch prepared with typical flavors of the region.

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In the afternoon, the adventure continues with a fishing session. Using regional techniques, such as simple rods and natural bait, you’ll have the opportunity to fish in the river, a common practice among the locals. This activity not only offers a fun and relaxing interaction with nature but also sets the stage for our dinner, where we can enjoy the catch of the day.

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We will return to the camp after fishing for dinner and to recharge our energy for the following day.

We will begin the fifth day of the Amazon Survival Experience Package with breakfast at the camp. Our guide will lead the group on a hike through the Amazon jungle, passing through areas of primary and secondary forest, offering a comprehensive view of the different environments within the jungle.

During the hike, we’ll have the opportunity to discover the region’s vast biodiversity. Be prepared to spot a variety of exotic plants and learn about their uses and ecological importance. Additionally, small animals may be observed in their natural habitat, providing a unique experience of close proximity to wildlife.

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We will take a break for a refreshing river swim, a chance to relax and further connect with the natural environment.

In the late afternoon, we will engage in birdwatching, one of the most peaceful and rewarding activities of the expedition, allowing us to admire various species in full activity. As the day comes to a close, we will position ourselves in a prime location to witness the spectacular Amazon sunset, a moment of pure magic and beauty.

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As twilight falls, we will begin our return to the camp. The evening will start with the preparation of dinner, where we’ll enjoy local delicacies and share the day’s experiences.

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To end the day, there’s nothing better than relaxing in hammocks, recovering energy for the upcoming adventures that await us.

The sixth day of the Amazon Survival Experience Package begins with an energizing breakfast at the camp. After breakfast, we set off for a paddle canoe ride through the nearby igarapés. These small river channels are perfect for a peaceful exploration, rich in wildlife sightings.

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As we paddle, keep your eyes open to spot a variety of wildlife: squirrel monkeys and capuchins playing in the trees, iguanas and sloths resting on branches, snakes, and groups of river dolphins in the waters around us.

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As the day progresses, we will decide whether to take a relaxing break by the river to prepare and enjoy our lunch in the heart of the jungle, or if we’ll return to the camp for a comfortable meal.

After a day full of discoveries, we will return to the camp for a delicious dinner, preparing ourselves for the nighttime adventure.

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At night, after dinner, we will head out for a nighttime excursion. This unique experience allows us to observe the shift in wildlife behavior as night falls. We will focus particularly on spotting caimans, using flashlights to locate these fascinating predators along the riverbanks.

After concluding our nighttime excursion, we will return to the camp for a restful night in our hammocks.

We will begin our seventh day of the Amazon Survival Experience Package in the jungle with a delicious breakfast at our camp. After breakfast, you’ll have free time to relax and soak in the tranquility of the forest. Take advantage of this time for one last walk around the area, take photos of the landscape, or simply rest in a hammock, listening to the sounds of nature.

We will gather for the final lunch at the camp, where we can enjoy a meal prepared with local ingredients.

After lunch, we will arrange transportation back to Manaus.

We hope you leave the Amazon with a sense of accomplishment and a newfound appreciation for the nature and culture of this spectacular region.

Last day of our Amazon Survival Experience Package.

We will pick you up from your accommodation and provide transportation back to the airport or bus station.

We look forward to your next adventure, see you soon!

About Your Package

  • Optional: add or remove days from your package, just contact us;
  • Exclusive accommodation for you;
  • Some activities may be done in groups;
  • For reservations for more than 5 people, please contact us.
  • Book as far in advance as possible.

Maps and Guidance

Destination: Amazon, Brazil

Contact us about your Amazon Survival Experience Package


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